Nuclear waste is the safest waste.

Nuclear waste is the safest waste.

YouTube Creator & Science Educator Kyle Hill traveled to the Dresden Nuclear Power Plant to show how Nuclear Waste is the safest waste out there, going as far as kissing a dry storage cask full of radioactive materials. This, of course, is completely safe to do as nuclear waste is stored in specially designed casks that provide robust shielding against radiation. These casks are engineered to contain the radioactive materials securely, preventing any significant radiation from escaping. The materials used in the casks, such as lead or concrete, are highly effective in blocking radiation. Additionally, the radioactive decay of the waste over time reduces its hazard. The safety measures in place, including the cask's design and the controlled environment of the storage facility, make interactions like Kyle Hill's not just possible but safe under controlled conditions.

Be sure to subscribe to Kyle on YouTube and check out his other educational videos on Nuclear Energy!